About Us

Connections Counseling, PLLC is a group of therapists who are passionate about practice. It also includes a group who are passionate about continuing education.

Counseling staff

Those listed below are counseling staff,  are supervisory staff, are interns or may have private practices and have interned with Connections Counseling PLLC. The individuals in the group have discussed their background and what they find most intriguing about their work in the following pages.
Tina Iler, LCSWR
George Ramos, LMHC, Ph.D. 
Ruth Campbell, LCSW, Ph.D.
Lynne Rachlin, LCSWR
Richard Coleman, LMSW
Afua Forson, MD LMFT
Andrew Schaeffer, MHC Intern
Chanda Sprague, MSW Intern

Instructors and Advisors

The people listed below are Instructors for Connections Counseling Continuing Education or may be acting in an advisory capacity concerning the Continuing Education mission

Tim Campbell, Ph.D. Philosophy
Rich Mohrmann, MS Computer Science
Dan Campbell, BS Business